Keyword Index


  • Academic burnout The Role of Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioral Eagerness to Learn in Predicting Student Teachers’ Academic Burnout [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 51-60]
  • Academic burnout The Relationship between Farhangian University Teacher-Students’ Mental Health and Academic Burnout [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 19-31]
  • Academic Engagement The Role of Identity Processing Styles in Predicting Teacher Students’ Academic Engagement in Farhangian University Branches of West Azarbaijan Province [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 55-62]
  • Action research Study and Investigation of Barriers to Action Research from the Perspective of Teachers in the Elementary School of Marvdasht City [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 49-61]
  • Attitude Presenting a Proposed Framework for Multicultural Teacher Education [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 19-34]
  • Audio-Lingual Method Comparing the Impact of Task- Based Method with that of Audio - Lingual Method on Developing English Language Learners' Grammatical Knowledge [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 63-74]


  • CIPP Model of Evaluation An Evaluation of the Elements of Farhangian University Curriculum on the Basis of Education Office’s High Level Documents: A Case Study of Farhangian University Branches in Sistan and Baluchestan the assessment process. [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 7-26]
  • Content Analysis Studing Naturul Sciences Textbooks of Junior High School in terms of the Extent of Attention Paid to Students, Environmental Education [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 1-18]
  • Content Analysis A Content Analysis Based on William Romey’s Model, an Approach to Assessing the Engagement Rate of the Textbooks by Teachers [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 33-53]
  • Curriculum Evaluation An Evaluation of the Elements of Farhangian University Curriculum on the Basis of Education Office’s High Level Documents: A Case Study of Farhangian University Branches in Sistan and Baluchestan the assessment process. [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 7-26]


  • Education The Relationship of Professional Ethics with the Organizational Culture of Employees in the Education of Hamadan City [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-88]
  • Educational Act Presenting a Proposed Framework for Multicultural Teacher Education [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 19-34]
  • Educational Knowledge Presenting a Proposed Framework for Multicultural Teacher Education [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 19-34]
  • Effective teaching Investigating the Primary Teachers' Teaching Qualities from the Viewpoint of TTC Mentees in Hamedan: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 27-36]
  • Ethical Characteristics Evaluating the Scientific and Ethical Standing of Farhangian University Faculty Members and Instructors on the Basis of the Ministry of Science and Research Indicators [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 1-18]


  • Faculty Members Evaluating the Teaching Quality of Farhangian University’s Faculty Members from the Teacher Students’ viewpoint: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 77-100]
  • Faculty Members Evaluating the Scientific and Ethical Standing of Farhangian University Faculty Members and Instructors on the Basis of the Ministry of Science and Research Indicators [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 1-18]
  • Farhangian University An Evaluation of the Elements of Farhangian University Curriculum on the Basis of Education Office’s High Level Documents: A Case Study of Farhangian University Branches in Sistan and Baluchestan the assessment process. [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 7-26]
  • Farhangian University The Relationship between Farhangian University Teacher-Students’ Mental Health and Academic Burnout [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 19-31]
  • Farhangian University Evaluating the Teaching Quality of Farhangian University’s Faculty Members from the Teacher Students’ viewpoint: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 77-100]
  • Farhangian University The Degree of Farhanghian University Teacher Students' Possession of Teacher Professional Competency Components [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 1-20]
  • Farhangian University Evaluating the Scientific and Ethical Standing of Farhangian University Faculty Members and Instructors on the Basis of the Ministry of Science and Research Indicators [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 1-18]


  • Grammatical Knowledge Comparing the Impact of Task- Based Method with that of Audio - Lingual Method on Developing English Language Learners' Grammatical Knowledge [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 63-74]
  • Grounded Theory The Sociological Analysis of the Impact of Virtual Social Networks on Farhangian university Students' Social Identity Construction: A Case Study of Students of Shahid Modares Campus in Sanandaj in the Academic Year of 1395-96 [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 63-82]


  • High Level Documents An Evaluation of the Elements of Farhangian University Curriculum on the Basis of Education Office’s High Level Documents: A Case Study of Farhangian University Branches in Sistan and Baluchestan the assessment process. [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 7-26]


  • Informational Identity Processing Style The Role of Identity Processing Styles in Predicting Teacher Students’ Academic Engagement in Farhangian University Branches of West Azarbaijan Province [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 55-62]
  • Innovator A Proposed Framework for Training Teachers as Researchers, Technologists and Innovators [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 83-102]


  • Job Burnout A Structural Equation Model of Factors Affecting Teachers’ Burnout [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 37-50]
  • Job Burnout Investigating the Relationship between Torbat-e-Heydarieh Primary School Teachers' Resilience and Job Burnout and Organizational Climate [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 37-53]
  • Junior High School Science Textbooks A Content Analysis Based on William Romey’s Model, an Approach to Assessing the Engagement Rate of the Textbooks by Teachers [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 33-53]


  • Motivational factors Prospecting of Professional Development of Faculty Members at Bu-Ali Sina University through Motivational Factors [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 35-48]
  • Multicultural Teacher Education Presenting a Proposed Framework for Multicultural Teacher Education [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 19-34]
  • Multi grade Classes Teachers Multi Grade Classroom of Opportunities and Constraints of these Clasese know what?: (A Qualitative Study) [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 55-66]
  • Mycourse Scale Evaluating the Teaching Quality of Farhangian University’s Faculty Members from the Teacher Students’ viewpoint: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 77-100]


  • Normative & Diffuse –Avoidant identity Styles The Role of Identity Processing Styles in Predicting Teacher Students’ Academic Engagement in Farhangian University Branches of West Azarbaijan Province [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 55-62]


  • Opportunities Teachers Multi Grade Classroom of Opportunities and Constraints of these Clasese know what?: (A Qualitative Study) [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 55-66]
  • Organizational culture The Relationship of Professional Ethics with the Organizational Culture of Employees in the Education of Hamadan City [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-88]


  • Professional Development Studying the Effects of Organizational Climate and Work Ethics on Junior High School Teachers' Professional Development [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 21-36]
  • Professional Development Prospecting of Professional Development of Faculty Members at Bu-Ali Sina University through Motivational Factors [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 35-48]
  • Professional ethics The Relationship of Professional Ethics with the Organizational Culture of Employees in the Education of Hamadan City [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 75-88]
  • Professional Qualities Investigating the Primary Teachers' Teaching Qualities from the Viewpoint of TTC Mentees in Hamedan: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 27-36]
  • Promotion Indicators Evaluating the Scientific and Ethical Standing of Farhangian University Faculty Members and Instructors on the Basis of the Ministry of Science and Research Indicators [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 1-18]


  • Quality of Teaching Evaluating the Teaching Quality of Farhangian University’s Faculty Members from the Teacher Students’ viewpoint: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 77-100]


  • Research Study and Investigation of Barriers to Action Research from the Perspective of Teachers in the Elementary School of Marvdasht City [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 49-61]
  • Researchers A Proposed Framework for Training Teachers as Researchers, Technologists and Innovators [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 83-102]
  • Research Method A Reflection on the Theoretical Fundamentals, Practical Requirements and Methodological Features of Narrative Research [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 61-82]
  • Resilience Investigating the Relationship between Torbat-e-Heydarieh Primary School Teachers' Resilience and Job Burnout and Organizational Climate [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 37-53]


  • Scientific Characteristics Evaluating the Scientific and Ethical Standing of Farhangian University Faculty Members and Instructors on the Basis of the Ministry of Science and Research Indicators [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 1-18]
  • Social Identity The Sociological Analysis of the Impact of Virtual Social Networks on Farhangian university Students' Social Identity Construction: A Case Study of Students of Shahid Modares Campus in Sanandaj in the Academic Year of 1395-96 [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 63-82]
  • Students’ Viewpoints Evaluating the Teaching Quality of Farhangian University’s Faculty Members from the Teacher Students’ viewpoint: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 77-100]


  • Task-Based Method Comparing the Impact of Task- Based Method with that of Audio - Lingual Method on Developing English Language Learners' Grammatical Knowledge [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 63-74]
  • Teachers Studying the Effects of Organizational Climate and Work Ethics on Junior High School Teachers' Professional Development [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 21-36]
  • Teachers Investigating the Relationship between Torbat-e-Heydarieh Primary School Teachers' Resilience and Job Burnout and Organizational Climate [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 37-53]
  • Teachers Study and Investigation of Barriers to Action Research from the Perspective of Teachers in the Elementary School of Marvdasht City [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 49-61]
  • Teacher-student professional development Studying the Employment of Divergent and Convergent Learning Styles for Teacher Professional Development among Hamedan's Farhangian University Teacher Students [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-76]
  • Teacher students The Degree of Farhanghian University Teacher Students' Possession of Teacher Professional Competency Components [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 1-20]
  • Teacher-students The Relationship between Farhangian University Teacher-Students’ Mental Health and Academic Burnout [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 19-31]
  • Teaching Qualities Investigating the Primary Teachers' Teaching Qualities from the Viewpoint of TTC Mentees in Hamedan: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 27-36]
  • Teaching Skills Investigating the Primary Teachers' Teaching Qualities from the Viewpoint of TTC Mentees in Hamedan: A Case Study in Shahid Bahonar and Shahid Maghsudi Branches [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 27-36]
  • Technologist A Proposed Framework for Training Teachers as Researchers, Technologists and Innovators [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 83-102]
  • Thinking style Studying the Employment of Divergent and Convergent Learning Styles for Teacher Professional Development among Hamedan's Farhangian University Teacher Students [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-76]
  • Training Teachers A Proposed Framework for Training Teachers as Researchers, Technologists and Innovators [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 83-102]


  • Virtual Social Networks The Sociological Analysis of the Impact of Virtual Social Networks on Farhangian university Students' Social Identity Construction: A Case Study of Students of Shahid Modares Campus in Sanandaj in the Academic Year of 1395-96 [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 63-82]


  • William Romey’s Model A Content Analysis Based on William Romey’s Model, an Approach to Assessing the Engagement Rate of the Textbooks by Teachers [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 33-53]
  • Work Ethics Studying the Effects of Organizational Climate and Work Ethics on Junior High School Teachers' Professional Development [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 21-36]