A Proposed Framework for Training Teachers as Researchers, Technologists and Innovators

Document Type : research paper


1 Associate Professor of Curriculum Development in Bu- Ali Sina University, Hamedan

2 Faculty Member of Farhangian University, PhD of Curriculum Development


The study aims to propose a framework for training teachers as researchers, technologists and innovators. Therefore, the document and content analysis of the articles in domestic and foreign research databases on training teachers as researchers, technologists and innovators was used. Nowadays, the professional training of teachers is one of the most important needs of education. A professional teacher, in addition to mastery over the basic skills in teaching (i. e. content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge and skills), is the one who should be equipped with the skills of research, technology and innovation. In the new era, research skills, technology and innovation need to be developed in teachers in an integrated and consistent form to train professional teachers. Teaching these skills separately, one cannot to hope for radical changes in the new education system. Therefore, in the present study, for training teachers as researchers, technologists and innovators, a framework of integrating research, technology and innovation with the content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge and skills is proposed. Based on the findings of this study, the skills required by today's teachers is a unique combination of research, technology and innovative skills that should be integrated with content knowledge and pedagogical skills. Today's professional teacher is one who employs the three skills into the curriculum. The requirement for applying research, technology and innovation skills in practice by future teachers is integrating this skills in the teacher education curriculum.
