Presenting a Proposed Framework for Multicultural Teacher Education

Document Type : research paper


1 Faculty Member, Department of Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Education, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


The purpose of this study is to provide a proposed framework for multiculturalism teacher education curriculum in Farhangian University. To this end, document analysis and content analysis of the articles in domestic and foreign research databases on multicultural teacher education were used. Among the articles related to multicultural teacher education, 30 papers were selected and, according to the research questions, the findings were coded into four areas (i.e. content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical action and attitude) and, accordingly, the common categories were tabulated. Finally, the categories of these four areas were presented to four teacher educators whose comments were used for validating them and adding other categories. The results showed that teacher students in Farhangian University should develop content knowledge, educational knowledge, educational act and necessary attitudes through formal and informal curriculum in the field of multicultural teacher education. More specifically, they are supposed to acquire basic and necessary content knowledge in terms of culture, culture variety, religion types and ethnic groups. They are also expected to be familiarized with planning and managing multicultural classes in the educational knowledge. Concerning the educational act, these students should be engaged in practicums to acquire the necessary skill for teaching in multicultural classes. Finally, it is vital for them to develop positive attitudes toward cultural differences.
