Publication Ethics

Ethical principles of publishing articles

  This journal operates a double anonymized review process.

All contributions will be initially assessed by the journal's editorial board for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to three independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper.

The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final. Original rejected or canceled articles will be removed from the journal's archives after six months and the journal will have no responsibility for them. The journal is also free to reject, accept, edit, summarize or modify accepted articles and is exempt from returning received articles.

Ethical considerations that writers should pursue:

  1. authors are Responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the contents of the articles from scientific and legal opinions and comments. Publish articles do not imply endorsement of all its contents.
  2. The article or part of it must not be reviewed in other journals (inside or outside the country), published, or submitted to other journals at the same time. Papers presented in the form of abstracts in congresses, symposia, and internal and external seminars that have been published, can be presented in the form of a full text.
  3. Articles extracted from students' dissertations and theses will be published with the name of the supervisor(s) and students, along with approval of the supervisor and his / her responsibility.

submit articles way:

Submit articles exclusively through the journal website address:


All researchers are allowed to download free and unrestricted articles. Any copying and use of the content of the articles are subject to citation of the full specifications of the article (including article title, author/authors name, quarterly name, period, and issue). It is also allowed to put links to the journal and "full text" articles.

Since honesty and truthfulness in conducting scientific research is the basis of the editor and members of the editorial board of the journal, so the editorial board puts observance of research ethics in compiling articles as its top priority and, accordingly, joins the Committee (COPE).