The Degree of Farhanghian University Teacher Students' Possession of Teacher Professional Competency Components

Document Type : research paper


1 Assistant Professor, The Department of Educational Sciences, Tabriz University

2 Assistant Professor, The Department of Educational Sciences, Kerman's Shahid Bahonar University

3 M.A. in Curriculum Development, Tabriz University


The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of Farhangian University teacher students' possession of professional competency components. The statistical population of current descriptive survey consisted of senior teacher students of Farhangian University in Tabriz, out of whom 310 were selected as a research sample by random stratified sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire with 50 questions was administered to collect the data. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a number of professors in Tabriz University and Farhangian University. In addition, factor analysis with varimax orthogonal rotation was employed to determine the main components. Cronbach's alpha was calculated to be 0.96. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 that yielded descriptive tests and inferential statistics (single sample t-test and independent t-test). The results indicated that the degree of teacher students' possession of these components differs from the standard mean. There existed a meaningful difference between the teacher students of fundamental sciences and those of humanities in terms of the degree of possession of teacher, teaching and pedagogy prerequisites. However, there was not observed a meaningful difference between the teacher students of different courses in terms of the other components:  monitoring students' progress and ability, professional responsibilities, planning and preparation, classroom management and organization and a teacher's personal characteristics. Finally, gender caused meaningful differences between the teacher students in terms of these components:  a teacher's prerequisites, planning and preparation, management and organization.
