The role of mindful leadership in influencing teachers' career preferences by fostering organizational commitment

Document Type : research paper


1 m.a student in educational science

2 associate prof of malayer university

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran,



Background and Objectives: The style of organizational leadership plays a crucial role in the performance and effectiveness of an organization. This research aimed to understand the impact of mindful leadership on job preference, with organizational commitment acting as a mediator among teachers. Methodology: This study was applied research with a descriptive-correlational approach. The statistical population consisted of primary school teachers in Malair city, with a sample size of 384 determined using Cochran's formula and selected through cluster sampling. Standard questionnaires on organizational commitment (Allen and Meyer, 1990), job preference (Amabail, 1994), and mindfulness (Pratcher et al., 2018) were used on a five-point Likert scale. The reliability of the questionnaires was calculated using Cronbach's alpha method, resulting in values of 0.84, 0.84, and 0.94, respectively. Data analysis included descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequencies, and averages, as well as confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and structural equation modeling.Findings: The research revealed that mindful leadership had a direct and significant impact on job preference (beta=0.346) and organizational commitment (beta=0.332). Organizational commitment also had a direct and significant effect on job preference (beta=0.496). Additionally, the indirect effect of mindful leadership on job preference through organizational commitment was found to be significant (beta=0.125).


Main Subjects