Designing a Professional Development Model of Student Teachers of Farhangian University Based on STEM Model of Learning

Document Type : research paper


1 Department of Biology Education, Farhangian University, Postal box: 14665- 889, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Educational sciences, Farhangian University, Postal box: 14665- 889, Tehran, Iran


Qualitative education is important to access the 21th skills. In this regard, teacher’s preparation in the field of STEM subjects can promote these skills. The aim of the current study is to determine the features of student teachers’ STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) learning model. Exploratory mixed-methods is seen as appropriate to get to the mentioned aim. In the qualitative phase, Brown and Clark’s (2006) 6 step thematic contents analysis was applied. The sampling method was purposive. The statical population consisted of articles, theses, and desertations. Data collection sources were Science direct, Proquest, SID, Springer, Elsevier, Squpus, Noormags, and Google Scholar. The time limit of English sources was from 2015 to 2023 and Persian sources werepublished between 1393 and 1402. According to the above description, first, 150 documents were found in relation to the topic. Finally, 19 articles were selected. In the quantetive phase, to determine the sample size, Cochran formula for unknown communities and unknown variance was used. To collect quantitative data, a researcher-made questionnaire was given to a sample of 120 people (include curriculum and pedagogical eperts, Farhangiyan Unversity science, mathematic, and technology techers, heads of the educational groups,  and school teachers with at least 10 years of teaching experience. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and a divergent and convergent validity test and its reliability was estimated using CA and CR. The model consisted of six core components of professional development knowledge and skills, personal knowledge and skills, communicational knowledge and skills, life knowledge and skills, students’ development skills, impediment challenges and 20 sub-components. All of them were confirmed by structural equation modeling. Finally, it was concluded that it is essential to prepare the conditions for the student teachers to be trained based on the STEM learning and teaching model. The proposed model can be helpful in this regard. 


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