Representation of the professional identity of student teachers of Farhangian University during the course of their University Education

Document Type : research paper


1 Associate professor, department of teaching social sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Instructor, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of the present research was to investigate the development of the professional identity of student teachers during their studies at Farhangian University. The data reported in this article is part of a wider project that was carried out at Farhangian University of Kerman (Shahid Bahonar and Khajeh Nasir Campus). The statistical population of the research consisted of all student teachers who had completed at least two semesters of internship at the university. The data collection tool was the narration of 20 students in answering the questions. The sample was selected in a purposeful way according to the purpose of the research. Narrative analysis method was used to analyze the data. In order to ensure the validity of the findings, the methods of triangulation (using direct quotations from the narratives along with the stated themes and using the findings of scientific research) and group judgement (confirmation of the research findings by several experts in the field of education and its revision by several professors of educational sciences of the university) were used. Also, to ensure the reliability of the findings, more detailed notes of student teachers' narrations were tried. The results of student teachers' reports were presented in four formats: 1) Feeling like a student but thinking like a teacher. 2) Confronting current and past experiences: internal tensions and dilemmas. 3) Increasing awareness of the complexity of the classroom context. 4) Teaching profession: aspirations and concerns of future teachers. The results of this research can be used in the planning of teacher training courses in Farhangian University.


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