A Comparative Look at The Sociological Foundations of Formal and General Education in the Fundamental Transformation Document of Education with the Adlerian Approach

Document Type : research paper


1 MA student in family counselling, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 BA student, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Alfred Adler is one of the leading theorists in the field of psychotherapy, whose approach to social interest has attracted the attention of many people interested in this field. The purpose of Adler's treatment is to help re-orient people from selfish goals to social goals. On the other hand, the development of the theoretical foundations of the document of fundamental change is one of the important measures taken by the Ministry of Education in recent years. Therefore, it is important to study its sociological foundations, which have a special role in educating competent citizens and a healthy society. The present study, which comparatively examines the sociological foundations of formal and general education from the perspective of Adler's approach, examines the commonalities and differences between the sociological foundations of formal and public education and Adler's approach through the method of Beredy comparative research. The results indicate that there are several similarities between these two views; among other things, in both views, society is an integral part of human life. Also, while individuals are unique, they have their own responsibilities to society, and the importance and role of the family is one of the commonalities of both. On the other hand, different aspects such as the difference in looking at human beings, the primary and secondary social instinctual tendencies and the type of looking at the family can be seen in these two perspectives The results of the present study and similar studies that have compared the documents of education and training with accepted theories of psychotherapy, which play an important role in human mental health, can strengthen the scientific foundations and application of these documents open new horizons in front of education experts.
