Factors Affecting Teacher Professional Identity: A Systematic Review

Document Type : research paper


1 Ph.D. candidate of curriculum development, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 M A. candidate of curriculum development, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


Teachers are the main elements of a curriculum and education system. Success and failure of an education system depends on its teachers. If they have a coherent and well-formed professional identity, they will lead to the success of the system. Professional identity, like other aspects of identity, is affected by various factors. Studying this identity depends on the identification of such factors. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to examine these factors. This article is a systematic review study. After searching different databases, 81 articles were found. Having read the abstracts of the articles, the researchers selected 44 articles for systematic review. Various factors affecting teachers’ professional identity were identified through the review. These factors were classified into five categories including:1. Background factors 2. Personal factors  3. Cultural-social factors 4. Professional factors and 5. Political-economic factors. From among these categories, personal factors were more prominent than others and had a greater role in changing and developing professional identity.


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