A Comparative Study of the Job Motivation of Primary and Secondary Teachers in the Direction of Teacher Growth and Development in Musiyan Region, Ilam Province

Document Type : research paper


1 M.A. in Educational Planning, Tehran University, Teacher at Roudaki Elementary School, Department of Education, Musian Region, Ilam Province, Iran

2 M.A. in Educational Research, Tehran University, Principal of Aburihan Biruni High School, Musian District Education Department, Ilam Province, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, department of Methods and Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 . Ph.D. in education and curriculum, Tokyo, Japan


Motivation is the main driving factor for human motivation that can play a role in identifying, supporting, growing, developing and directing human power. The most important job for teachers as Sharif, the most important job in the society and human builders of the future, on the one hand, and the lack of sufficient knowledge of research factors to promote their motivation and career development, on the other hand, is the main issue of the present issue. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the level of motivation of teachers in multi-grade elementary schools in Musian region and comparing it with secondary level teachers and its relationship with their performance and professional development. For this purpose, using a researcher-made questionnaire, whose construct validity was checked and confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis, a census of teachers was conducted, and finally, out of 400 distributed questionnaires, 310 questionnaires were returned and became the basis of the analysis. The results showed that job motivation is insignificant and low in the majority of teachers in both primary and secondary schools. Examining the relationship between job motivation factors and demographic variables such as gender, educational qualification and teaching experience shows that there is no significant relationship between these variables. Therefore, the inadequacy of career motivation is observed in the majority of primary and secondary school teachers with various levels of educational qualifications, gender, backgrounds and different career stages.


Main Subjects

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