A Review of Global Experiences around International Student-Teacher Internships

Document Type : research paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Alborz, Iran

2 Social studies teacher, Zanjan


The concept of globalization and intercultural issues has become so important in today's world that the issue of teacher education is no exception. In this regard, teacher training universities around the world have also turned to international internships. Therefore, this article has been done with the aim of reviewing the published articles in the field of international internship in foreign countries in a review manner. Articles published in Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, PabMed, Science Direct, Emerald, Eric databases were searched using the keywords: Overseas Internship, International Internship, Teacher Training Internship, Student Teacher, Professional Development, Teacher Training . All published articles from 2016 to 2022 were reviewed and analyzed, of which 20 were selected and analyzed. Findings showed that 20% of the articles had an impact of international internships on intercultural competencies, 19% on professional development, 17% on personal growth, 17% on teaching competencies, 8% on language skills, 7% on self-reflection. And 10% of countries spent their internships internationally with interns from different countries, 20% spent internships with the host country, and the remaining 70% of students in one country spent their internships in host schools. As a result, due to the effectiveness of international internships, it is recommended to pay attention to Farhangian University as well.
