Designing the Structural Equation Model of the Impact of Quantum Leadership on the Organizational Innovation with the Mediating Role of Social Capital (Research sample: School Managers in Birjand)

Document Type : research paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Public Administration, Public Administration Group, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.

2 MA. in educational management, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baloochestan, Zahedan, Iran

3 PhD. Candidate in educational management, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baloochestan, Zahedan, Iran

4 . BA. student of elementary education, Farhangian University, Birjand, Iran


Concerning the importance of innovation in the education system, this study investigates the impact of quantum leadership on organizational innovation through the mediating role of social capital among Birjand city school principals. The purpose of this study is practical and descriptive-correlational in nature. The data collection instruments include Azimee’s (1390) questionnaire, to measure quantum leadership, and Saatchi et al.’s (1389) questionnaire to measure organizational innovation. Social capital was also measured via the Nahapit and Guchal’s (1998) Questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaires was assessed by Cronbach's alpha test, which was 0.954 for quantum leadership, 0.939 for organizational innovation and 0.879 for social capital questionnaire. Content validity was also used to assess the validity of the questionnaires. The statistical population of the study consisted of all school managers in Birjand. According to the Jersey Morgan table, 134 managers were selected through simple random sampling. Structural equation modeling using Warp-PLS software was used to confirm or reject the assumptions. The results showed that quantum leadership had a positive and significant effect on organizational innovation and social capital of the principals by 59% and 57%, respectively. Also, social capital has 21% positive and significant impact on organizational innovation. Finally, the relationship of partial mediation to social capital was confirmed. Based on the results of this study, school principals are advised to pay due attention to the concept of quantum leadership and use the basic skills of this style of leadership.
