Proposing an Applied Framework for Teachers to Develop Aesthetics in Children with an Emphasis on Aesthetic Discourses of Dewey, Steiner, and Vygotsky

Document Type : research paper


1 Faculty Member, Department of Education, Farhangian university. Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Education, Bu-Ali Sina University. Hamedan, Iran.


Aesthetics education is one of the important goals of education systems especially at early childhood. The purpose of this research is to propose a practical framework for teachers to develop aesthetics in early childhood. For this purpose, the study employed document analysis and content analysis of the resources in internal and external databases on aesthetics education. Among the sources related to aesthetics education, 65 sources were selected and their findings were coded and categorized in tables in terms of the goals and necessities of aesthetic education, the common discourses of aesthetics, the implications of three common discourses in aesthetics education and the strategies for children's aesthetics education. Finally, a framework, based on the obtained categories, was proposed in which the goals and necessities of aesthetics education, the common discourses in aesthetics education, the implications of three discourses and strategies for the development of children's aesthetics were introduced. Teachers, using this framework, can provide the foundations for implementing aesthetics education at early childhood.
