How to Increase Motivation in the Social Studies Lesson of Fourth Grade Students through Humorous Teaching

Document Type : research paper


1 Ph.D. in Educational Administration, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

2 B.S. Student in Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

3 B.S. Student in Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


One of the important and fundamental prerequisites for learning is academic motivation, which has an obvious effect on learning. If the students are highly motivated towards studying, it makes them pay attention to the teacher's teaching and explanations, do their homework seriously, and seek more information about the subjects. One of the ways to increase academic motivation in students is the use of humor-based education, which, in addition to fostering critical, analytical and divergent thinking, attracts the attention of students in the classroom, reduces stress, builds a friendly relationship between the teacher and students, and Finally, to increase the durability of the learned material in the student. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to evaluate the effect of humor-based education on students' academic motivation in the fourth grade social studies course. The current research method is participatory action research in the three dimensions of diagnosis, implementation and evaluation, after which strategies were shown that can be used to increase students' academic motivation by using humor-based education. The use of stories, jokes, etc. related to the lesson content, the use of humorous students' abilities to express humorous content related to the lesson content, and the use of visual humor can be considered as effective examples of the use of humor in education. It is suggested that in Farhangian University units for the necessary training to use this tool be provided to student teachers so that they can use this effective tool in primary education correctly.


Main Subjects

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