How Could I Get My Student Interested in Submitting Audio Assignments Using Podcasts?(An Action Research in The Shad Educational Network)

Document Type : research paper


1 Guest lecturer, department of educational sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran. Iran

2 BA. student of elementary education, Farhangian University, Tehran. Iran


The present study was conducted to solve the problem of one of the second grade students of Shahid Motahari primary school in Amlash city in the academic year 1399-1400. In this study, the non-submission of audio assignments by the student on the Shad educational network is investigated and its purpose is to investigate and explain the causes of the student's problem and to take action to solve it. The research method is qualitative and action research type. Data was collected through observation of student performance in a Shad virtual classroom and video interviews in virtual networks with parents and searches in scientific databases. As a result of data collection, the causes of the student's problem were identified to be the coronavirus pandemic, virtual education, and parental occupation were identified. To solve the problem, a podcast was used to motivate the student to send homework. The results showed that the use of podcasts made with the student's voice has a positive effect on creating interest in the student's audio assignments on the Shad educational network.


Main Subjects