Examining the Application of Classroom Response System in Mobile Learning: Qualitative Metaanalysis Study

Document Type : research paper


MA. student of educational technology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran


Classroom Response System (CRS), also known as Clicker, is a new educational approach that attempts to guide the teaching-learning process by creating interaction between the instructor and the learner. This research aims to investigate the use of Classroom Response System in mobile learning and its role in the educational process. The research method is qualitative meta-analysis is collected in a documented way. The results of this research showed that learners have a positive attitude towards the classroom response system (clickers) and believe that using this technology increases interest in the classroom. In addition, the conducted research shows that the classroom response system has the potential to increase the concentration, attention, and presence of learners, and at the same time, it increases the interaction and participation of learners with each other and learners with the instructor, and improves their understanding of educational subjects. Among the well-known clickers in the field of learning are Kahoot, Quizzes, Socratio, and Mentimeter. Combining clicker technology with active teaching methods and peer-assisted learning can also lead to high efficiency.


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