Identifying the Professional Competencies in the Teachers of the Course of “Thinking and Media Literacy”

Document Type : research paper


1 MA. In curriculum development, elementary school teacher, Chabahar, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran

2 Associate professor of educational technology, University of Birjand, Iran

3 Associate professor of curriculum development, University of Birjand, Iran


Media literacy does not mean that the learner simply learns to define the media; the learner must learn how the media can affect us. Media literacy means equipping media students with the ability and skills to analyze, critique and evaluate media content. Considering the importance of educating media literacy and the novelty of thinking and media literacy course, recognizing the teachers' professional competencies for this course is important. This research aims to examine the professional competencies of teachers in the field of thinking and media literacy. This research is a qualitative study with a case study method. The statistical population included the teachers of thinking and media literacy in Birjand city and education specialists in Iran. Using purposive sampling method based on theoretical saturation, 12 teachers and 3 experts were interviewed. The obtained data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The findings showed that 1) media knowledge; 2) media skills; 3) media attitudes; 4) thinking skills training; 5) media education; and 6) supporting knowledge were the six types of teachers' professional competencies in the media literacy course which were identified in the main topic of the present study.
