Predicting Students' Academic Achievement Based on Motivational and Metacognitive Strategies and Academic Goals in the Science Course of the Ninth Grade of High Schools in Qom

Document Type : research paper


1 Ma. in educational psychology, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor of educational psychology, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD. candidate in educational management, lecturer in Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to predict students' academic achievement based on motivational strategies, metacognitive strategies and academic purpose in the ninth grade science course. The statistical population of this study includes all ninth grade female students of high schools in Qom in the academic year of 1397-98. Sample of the study (N=331) was selected based on random sampling method using Morgan sample size sampling table. For data collection, two standard questionnaires of the motivational and metacognitive strategies questionnaire (Digrott, 1990) and the academic goals questionnaire (Beaufort et al. 1998) were used. The reliability estimations of the instruments were 0.88 and 0.81, respectively, based on Cronbach's alpha. The students' scores on the final exam of the ninth grade science course were taken as academic achievement. The findings showed that there is a relationship between the students' metacognitive strategies and academic achievement in the ninth grade science course. Moreover, there is a relationship between the students' academic goal and their academic achievement. In conclusion, it can be said that improving motivational and metacognitive strategies and highlighting students' academic goal might increase their academic achievement.
