Factors influencing Teachers' Success: The Case of Selected National Teachers

Document Type : research paper


B.A. in pre-school and primary school pedagogy, Farhangian University


This research is a qualitative study which was done based on biographical method which is one of the sub-categories of narrative research. In the biographical research, the experiences of one or more individuals are collected and the research report is formulated through narrative research. Therefore, in this study, the researchers have been identifying the success factors of national teachers through examining interviews with sample teachers. This was done by repeatedly reviewing the text using the open coding method. Subsequently, codes with semantic and conceptual commonalities were grouped into single batches, resulting in fewer batches. In the last step, to reduce the categories created in the second stage and to find more general themes, it was attempted to discover and identify the textual themes by finding common points among the twenty-two categories. Finally, four general themes were identified: 1- Personality and ethical characteristics of the sample teachers 2- Human relations of the sample teachers 3- Professional skills of the sample teachers 4- Classroom characteristics of the sample teachers. Interested teachers can increase the quality of their work, and ultimately the quality of the educational system, by employing these basic components and adding other components to them.


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