Cultural Resistance of Iranian EFL Students toward the Incompatible Aspects of Western Culture Reflected in English Materials

Document Type : research paper


1 Ph.D., Department of English language, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of English language, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran

3 . M.A. in TEFL, Department of English language, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran


Due to the IT of today's world, the unrestricted access of foreign language users to the various contents of language, and that language and culture are two integral components of the process of foreign language learning, this research seeks to assess the cultural resistance of the students majoring in English language teaching and literature toward the incompatible aspects of Western culture included in online and offline resources from the first year to the last year of their B.A. To this end, 31 students majoring in English literature and 25 students majoring in English language teaching took a thirteen-item cultural resistance questionnaire in which each item contained five options ranging from the highest level of cultural resistance to the lowest level of cultural resistance toward the incompatible aspects of Western culture. After analyzing the data by Paired-Samples T-Test, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, and ANCOVA, this study showed that there was no significant difference in terms of the level of cultural resistance toward educational resources among English language teaching and English literature students from the first year to the third/fourth year of their learning. The findings of this study provide material developers, professors and teachers, and foreign language learners with a better understanding of the potential impacts of Western culture on the foreign language learning process.


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